Monday, August 21, 2006

Appointment #3

I had my third appointment earlier today, though there's nothing much to report from it. He checked the heartbeat via doppler and found it immediately without having to move the probe around. I was impressed, since it still sometimes takes us a few minutes to find it. He said it sounded strong and regular at 157 bpm. It's usually around 160 at home, so that's right around average. Then I was sent for my blood work for the AFP tetra screen for birth defects. They said I should have those results either late this week or early next week. I'll keep you posted. I made the appointment for my next visit, which will include what everyone calls the big ultrasound. I'm really hoping we're able to find out what we're having, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the fact that the baby might not cooperate. I hope he/she does, though! That's set for 9 a.m. on September 18. No doubt the next four weeks will drag by.


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