Monday, September 17, 2007

It's not easy being clean

We've had pretty good luck with removing various stains--from diaper blowouts to spitup to fresh food--from Baby B's clothes by pre-treating with Shout gel. However, we recently met our match in the war on stains when we learned that fresh bananas are nearly impossible to remove from clothes, even with our beloved Shout. At the recommendation of a parent from one of my message boards, I tried Oxiclean (though a little skeptically).

There are several ways you can use OxiClean, and I started by adding a scoop to the stained laundry, but that didn't seem to remove the ick. Yesterday I tried method 2, which was soaking the clothes in a bowl with hot water and OxiClean, then running them through the washing machine again. I transferred the laundry from the bowl to the washing machine after a three-hour soak, and I was still a little skeptical because some of the stains still appeared to be hanging around. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to find that the stains had disappeared when I pulled them out of the dryer! I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that Baby B wouldn't be able to wear these clothes out anymore, but I'm very glad to have them back again.


At September 17, 2007 10:14 AM, Blogger Brandy said...

That's great about the Oxiclean. I am a HUGE fan of the Dreft spot remover spray. I used it to pre-treat/soak some things of Aiden's (including a bib COVERED in pink Amoxicillin) and they came out completely clean without a hint of the previous messes. It truly is amazing how something so little can make such large messes. :-)


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