Dormant geyser
I must say how nice it's been lately with Baby B having virtually no reflux issues. At one point, it was hard to imagine there'd ever be a time when we'd let Baby B go bibless during the day, but she pretty much just wears them to eat now. The pediatrician wants us to continue the Zantac until her nine-month appointment, but we've cut the dose in half and she seems to be doing well so far.
Baby B loved the peaches we gave her last week (actually, *I* loved the peaches, too), and we had our first night of carrots tonight and that went well, too. I had to add a little extra milk when I was blending the carrots, but I got it to a good consistency that Baby B was able to handle. We'll do a few more nights of carrots before tackling pears late in the week. We're really chugging right along on the food front.
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