Grown-up time
It kills me that I only get to see Baby B for a few hours each weekday, since her bedtime is 9 p.m. right now and we're working on getting it to about 8 or 8:30 p.m. ideally (or earlier if she gives us cues that she needs an earlier bedtime). I mean, that's all the time I get to spend with The Husband, too, but it's just different. I already know The Husband, but right now I'm trying to learn everything I can about Baby B.
I have to admit that I do like having that grown-up time after she goes to bed. Sure, most of that time is spent washing bottles, making bottles, doing laundry, and other baby-related (and non-relaxing) tasks, but it's nice to have that time to get things done without having to put everything down and tend to a baby. This, of course, doesn't mean that don't appreciate having her around. I adore this child and would do anything for her. I'm just saying I'm secretly glad to have some time back for myself, at least for a few hours each day.
I know exactly how you feel! I love spending every minute I can with Avery, but I definitely look forwrad to when she's asleep too. It's nice that she goes to bed so early (7:30) that hubby and I get to do adult things.
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