Thursday, March 08, 2007

Good people deserve good things

Sadly, our house is just a little bit emptier today. Serenity, who arrived on Saturday, departed yesterday evening, and the visit went even better than I expected (and I expected it to go well!), however, I'm sad that she's no longer here.

She and The Husband went to high school together, but she and I hadn't previously met. I wasn't nervous beforehand except for a brief moment when we were walking into the airport to pick her up, but when I saw her at the top of the escalator, I immediately knew that things would go well--and I was right! By the time we made the hour-long drive to our house, it felt like she and I had gone to high school together and were reuniting without missing a beat.

This is a woman with a great sense of humor, a good heart, a robust personality, a keen sense of fun and adventure, and the ability to step outside of her own fertility issues in order to help and support us in our new parenthood. I can't say enough good things about her.

Serenity is in the midst of her second fresh IVF cycle, with a target transfer date set for late March. I can't tell you how much I hope this works for her, because after observing her with Baby B, I know this is a woman who was made to be a mother. She looked like a natural, yet you could tell she was taking careful mental notes after learning something new either through trial and error of her own or after observing me and The Husband. It's one thing for a mother to calm her own baby, but it's another thing for a virtual stranger to calm a baby on multiple occasions (one time could be just a fluke, you know), and this is something she did several times during her stay. She gazed at my daughter with such loving, adoring eyes, and if she's that enamoured with my child, then I can only imagine how in love she'll be when she's rocking her own child in her own nursery right before bedtime. I sincerely hope that the next time we see each other, she's either pregnant or has a little newborn of her own. That child will be loved beyond words--by both her and me!


At March 08, 2007 11:31 AM, Blogger BellaLovesPink said...

Very sweet!


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